The smarter sales workflow

No upfront costs,  no time wasted, 
just guaranteed results

Powered by AI

Craft industry-leading campaigns with just a
few clicks

No more legwork

Kular finds your ideal customers

Describe your target audience and Kular will produce a sample of potential leads, with information including their location, company size, job title, and company description. Adjust your description until you’re happy with the sample, and Kular will use this list to find similar leads.

Your AI copywriter

Kular helps you write emails that close

Kular will use information on your target audience to produce a first-draft of your email outreach. This leverages best practices from sending millions of emails for hundreds of companies. You have total control of the content and know more about your business than anyone else. So, edit as you see fit.


Only pay when you get results

With Kular, you only pay when a warm lead lands in your inbox. There are no up-front costs and no minimum commitment. We’ll notify you when a lead responds positively, leaving you in pole position to close the sale.

If the leads we bring don’t match your target audience, let us know and we’ll refund you.

It takes just 30 minutes to set up and the first lead is free.

Leads don’t match your audience?

Let us know, we’ll refund you

It takes just 30 minutes to set up and your first lead is free.

Start your free trial

Our Benefits

Email outreach that delivers your perfect leads

Built to fit your budget

Select your monthly budget or the number of leads you’d like to receive. Kular will then adjust its outreach to suit your requirements.

Secure and reliable

Emails in Kular are sent from custom domains to maximize deliverability, minimize spam, and ensure your
email domain remains protected.

Optimized to grow revenue

Adjust messaging and targeting automatically with our machine learning algorithm. Alternatively, use our in-built statistics to monitor performance and manually improve campaigns.


Kular lets me shorten the sales cycle and cut straight to an introduction with highly targeted clients."

Billy Cogan
Founder, Seven Legal